Y12 Parents
The #SixthFormTeam are looking forward to meeting you all at our Y12 Parents Information Evening next Monday, 16 Sept.
Hear all about life at #WhickhamSixth & to ask any questions you have about #SixthForm
Refreshments in the Atrium 5.15pm
Presentations at 5.45pm
Parents don't miss our Y6 Open Evenings - a great opportunity to meet the staff & students & find out what Whickham School has to offer
Thurs 19 Sept 5pm & 7pm
Tues 24 Sept 5pm & 7pm
Reserve your place:
Its the Autumn Term - weathers getting colder, nights are getting darker but fear not - Whickham School #Charity Week is coming!!
Why not audition for the Variety Show on 17&18 September
Don't delay get your name on the sign-up sheet on the Drama Room Door!!!